Is this the PA support group?
The purpose of this study is to help people who suffer from an addiction to pornography on the Internet. With G-d’s help, the material presented will offer ways to break the porn addiction and to stop committing the sexual transgressions, like masturbation, that stem from it.
Hopefully the knowledge presented will allow people to regain control of their lives and direct their energies in healthier, more positive paths. Before we present the specific suggestions of, we will present an overview of Alcoholics Anonymous, and similar addiction support groups, examining their methods in order to learn whatever we can from their experience in the field.
Interestingly, one of the main principles they stress, the reliance on God, is founded on Jewish teachings. After understanding the emphasis they place on the 12 Step Program, we will present 12 Torah Steps, based on the teachings of our holy Sages. Continue reading “Pornoholics anonymous”